Before I could grasp the severity of the situation it had already begun. The chaos in my life never got sorted and I had to detangle myself from it to be physically, mentally and emotionally available for them, my parents.. It is difficult for me to see them in such a different stage of life..oldage. I knew it was near but I wasnt prepared just yet. I have always run to them to solve my problems, to get their support, to come out of my misery. I wasnt used to give support to them. I always thought of myself as that little girl whom dad used to bring flowers for. The constant hospitalization got the better of me . Maybe I wasn't ready for this kind of intensity, involving the minutest detail. I think I could have done better....much better.. in handling everything differently. The exams, my early periods ..the covid situation , no maids and the constant anxiety disabled me to function normally. Oh! the excuses are endless still the fact remains the same...I could have done bet...