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Showing posts from October, 2018

Simple changes in life can make weight loss easy.

Are you one of those people who jump from one diet to another, the moment you hear it's the new, latest on the block diet. Or are you the one who tries a new diet every fortnight and fail to understand why it's not working the way they said it would. When people eat for emotional reasons, they keep on wanting more. They lose their hunger signals and start binge eating, All of this emotional eating takes a toll on the body and tend to put on a lot of excess weight. Noone likes to have that unwanted excess flab around them. After all it isn't good for your health, it reduces your endurance, agility and if I may say- looks not so good on you. It is so frustrating to go on a weight loss diet and end up not losing a single gram. I have been there, done that. The first thing that comes to your mind when you hear weight loss is - Go find a Gym. Finding a gym and joining it, is the first simple step to weight loss. Noone tells you that sticking to the gym routine is th...

Dont be afraid to fly

Dreams are our ticket to experience a whole new world which we long to be in. As a young kid we all had a dream to become a doctor, and then ,when we went to school we wanted to be a teacher, when we went to see the circus we wanted to be a joker and it kept changing frequently as our minds wished. Adulthood changes all the rules of life. We can't be naive anymore. The world out there can be big and bad and we always have to live by the sword. The flip side of that can be- we can get cut easily. Dreaming gives us a chance to be a kid again. In our dreams we can be anyone and still noone judges us. Dreaming and hoping are the two feelings we must hold near to our heart and not let them slip at any point of time. Many people are afraid to take the lead and want to follow all the time. They can lead but are afraid if they go wrong, then what? But if you keep thinking of the consequences, you will never be able to get anything done in the first place, forget about failing or ...

Don't lose a wink of sleep over Parenting.

Every parent, be it a mother or a father is not born as a good mother/father. We all have to learn it when we actually have our own baby. One cannot learn parenting by simply reading a great parenting book. It's a 24/7 job with absolutely no training. We all have to learn on the job. Parenting word itself is such a beautiful word and the meaning of it seems to be so profound, that sometimes I forget, that you dont need to be perfect at it, to be a good mother. Well, one might think that there is a set of rules to follow when you become a parent. But hell no, there cant be the same rules which are applicable to different kids. No two kids are the same. Rather my own two kids are like poles apart. So how can there be any set rules to follow. I think you need to just follow your very own 'mom instinct'. Every mother has that. Its just a matter of time until you get into that groove. Every woman gets used to her own instinct sooner or later. Earlier, I used to think-...

The Power of Less

Today's life is fast and furious. People don't get enough time in a day to fit in all the things they want to do. However if one could change a 24 hour day into a 28 or a 30 hour day, nothing would change. We would still say - we dont get enough time. Too many things to do in too less of a time.So much to say, so much to eat, so much to do, so much to see and so on and so forth. In this world of abundance - where the per capita income has substantially increased in the last decade or so, people are spoiled for choices. When you have too many options, your mind starts to play tricks with you. You don't know where to stop. Nothing seems to be good as there is always a better option available just round the corner. A better job, a better pay, a better vacation, a better boyfriend , a better spouse . Phew! The list is never ending. Your mind gets exhausted just thinking about it. Once when my husband was pondering over the idea of gifting a tablet to our 7year old dau...

Small niceties will take you a long way

Today I want to write about the thankless job we all are doing silently without complaining or standing up for ourselves when is required.Being a mother, a homemaker is as thankless as it gets. I ask myself- why do I not think about myself first. Why do I not love myself the way I should. Why are we conditioned as such that the moment we get married and then ofcourse when we have kids, we put ourselves later than everyone else. We should be asking the men in our lives this question - what joy can a woman give to her family if she herself is deprived of happiness. Now you will say define Happiness. I think happiness is very overrated. You don't and cannot run after happiness as It is not an object. It is a feeling of total bliss. If people think that we cant complain because we have the basic necessities and then some more, they are fools. Owning and buying things and objects gives us pleasure and not happiness. We are just human and not super moms or uber or ultra moms. Th...