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Simple changes in life can make weight loss easy.

Are you one of those people who jump from one diet to another, the moment you hear it's the new, latest on the block diet. Or are you the one who tries a new diet every fortnight and fail to understand why it's not working the way they said it would.

When people eat for emotional reasons, they keep on wanting more. They lose their hunger signals and start binge eating,
All of this emotional eating takes a toll on the body and tend to put on a lot of excess weight. Noone likes to have that unwanted excess flab around them. After all it isn't good for your health, it reduces your endurance, agility and if I may say- looks not so good on you. It is so frustrating to go on a weight loss diet and end up not losing a single gram. I have been there, done that.

The first thing that comes to your mind when you hear weight loss is - Go find a Gym. Finding a gym and joining it, is the first simple step to weight loss. Noone tells you that sticking to the gym routine is the most difficult step.

Here are a few simple things to keep in mind when you join a gym.

1. Please find a gym which is near to your house so that you dont waste time and energy in travelling. Also your chances of going regularly to the gym will increase if its nearby.
2. If its possible , find a partner - your spouse or a friend so that both of you can motivate each other to go to the gym daily.
3. Set a realistic goal and if you are a beginner start slowly and gradually. Dont do too much too early.
4. Dont weigh yourself daily or weekly or for that matter monthly. If you dont lose much weight it gets quite depressing.
5. Instead of weighing yourself, go for a measurement tape. It will tell you how many inches you have lost. And measure only once in a month. Dont overdo it.

Exercising and nutrition both go hand in hand when it comes to staying fit. You cannot not exercise and just focus on nutrition. If you dont strengthen your muscles by exercising- be it strength training, functional training, cardio or any other sports you will start losing your bone and muscle density. Also if you just exercise without paying attention to what you are eating then you will go nowhere.
If you want to lose the body fat and stay fit , you have to do both the things in equal measures.


Instead of going on a new diet, and totally avoiding a particular food group, you can try eating your traditional, local food.(Being an ardent fan of Rujuta Divekar, I suggest that you eat local and seasonal). Each household has their share of good old secret recipes. Use them. Pass them on to future generations. Keep your food simple. Everyday food. Dont try going exotic. Exotic foods are overrated. Go for fresh, local, easily available varieties. Its affordable to all and also sustainable in the long haul.

Sleep is another important factor which will affect your weight loss journey. For adults it is anywhere from 7 to 8 hours. For kids it is 9 to 10 hours. It is essential to have good quality sleep if we want to feel refreshed the next day.

Some ways you can easily fix the problem of a good sleep.

1. Try and go to sleep at the same time everyday. A good time to go to bed if you have early mornings is around 10 p.m. to 10.30 PM.
2. If your room temperature is too hot or cold, it will affect your sleep. The right room temperature will make your sleep uninterrupted. The ideal room temperature is said to be 60 to 67degrees Fahrenheit
3. Dont drink too much water right before you go to sleep. This will ensure less loo visits.

Always remember, if you are not enjoying your diet or workout regime it will not be sustainable. Look for simple tweaks in the way you eat. Keep mixing fun sports like badminton, swimming, cycling when you get bored of the gym. Not only will this make it fun but also be your first step to be consistent. You will make an easy lifestyle change without realising it. And will be likely to follow it more religiously.
So keep losing the fat, keep gaining the muscle and say hello to your new fabulous self.


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