Whenever I decide to not take an umbrella, it has to rain. What about all those days when I was carrying it. Where were the rain gods then? The murphys law is active. So I have learnt to not take anything for granted. Life is a great leveller. You cannot make a five year plan or plan for long term. It seldom happens as planned. Life has it's own course. And noone can mess with its course. Many people come in our lives with a purpose and when that is attained, they disappear as magically as they had appeared, leaving us transfixed. The more you hold on to the old things or people. the more they slip off, from your grip. It seems like everything in life has an expiry date. We should all try to learn to move on with the new things that are happening to and around us. It's easier said than done. I get it, nevertheless we have to keep trying knowing that nothing worth doing is ever easy. I used to always struggle to understand why certain things happen the way they did. I g...