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Crazy people come from crazier families.

Does your family too, sometimes drive you nuts? Someone has said that family vacations are a good time to remember why your family never spends any time together. At the time of every family reunion people start by looking forward to meeting all, after a long time and being happy. Then they meet. And all hell breaks loose.

It always starts with one weird relative, who likes to be the spoiler. Every family has this weirdo, if you dont find him in the gathering, look no far behind. As it would most definitely be you.

I fail to understand what pleasure do they get when they fit - "you are looking amazing"and "douchebag"in the same sentence. It maybe hilarious to them...seems so because they are the only ones laughing at their so called 'funny jokes.'

Then there is this one Aunt, who will insist that you have put on weight ( even if this one time, when you have actually managed to lose 10 grams). The problem with her is that she is big and is always searching for similar kind of people so that they can share their stories.

Then there are kids. Kids are amazing. I love my two kids. And that's all I can take in this lifetime. Everyone loves their own kids. They already are taking so much shit from their own kids that they have no patience for other peoples kids. And that's where the reunion turns kind of messy.

When the joke is on you, it's not funny anymore. Families are always laughing on each others expense. There are so many inside jokes that any new person will get dumbfounded if he gets entangled in one such laughing fits.

In times of disaster, can be financial or a relationship or a career one, noone is as reliable as a family. Every single member of your family wants to take credit for -'I told you so' . They are the only people who make sure to make you feel worse than the disaster left you feeling.
Trust them to do the job. They will first ask you- what wrong did you do to bring this situation on yourself. And if they are convinced that it wasn't your doing then that will be good, otherwise God bless your soul.

Everyone loves their own families. In spite of all the drawbacks and faults, family members love each other selflessly. The one thing you cannot do, is choose your family. However when you are angry the least you could do is ignore their phone calls. Happy Holidays everybody.

P.S. - Holidays are just around the corner, so dont forget to invite your family for get togethers.


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