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Not losing my mojo of parenting ......jamming out on Holidays

Holidays are the happiest times for me and my family. As a kid I was always looking forward to the next holiday. We used to have a total blast during our vacations. Now that I have my own kids we are following the same tradition.

Vacation time equals celebration time. As my kids have to wake up early in the morning for school, their number one priority is to catch up on some sleep on holidays. So for them holidays means I will not pester them to get up early. They can laze in their warm beds as much as they like. Naughty4 always has the same question for me, Will you let us sleep till noon? Which she never does. I guess she likes to ask this question just to see my wide range of expressions .From horror to being calm and all other imaginable expressions in between.

We usually take a break from the city life for a couple of days by planning a getaway to smaller towns/villages or suburbs. Both my daughters are excited to see the village life. They have so much curiosity about everything they see in the village. They love the green pastures which otherwise cannot be seen in the city. Farm animals and barns fascinate my little one. She likes to stare at the goose and ducks and hens and chicks. Naughty9 is in her own little world. Now a days she keeps a journal. She carries it with her while traveling just so that she doesn't forget what she has seen in the journey. She is then lost in her diary notes, scribbling away her adventures.

For me adventure is exploring new places, meeting new people, getting to know their culture, tasting their food and learning something unusual from each place. Every knew place brings with it a new experience. Sometimes when we dont get to squeeze in any kind of vacation, we bring vacation to our home. To make your holidays splendid, your own home can be as good a place as any other. You just have to do things differently on those selected days. Like not fretting about the pile of laundry, no cooking, no dishes. Just relax. You can play with your kids, watch movies, order food from a restaurant. In the evenings you can dress up and go out on movie date and have fun.

Good food and some good company is all we need for holidays to be a blast. No luxury cruise will give you any joy if you have bad company. And if the food is bad then that will be the crappiest vacation ever. After all good food + good friends = good times!!


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